We are pleased to partner with Lori Cook-Folger of Southern Genealogist, LLC to help the DPAA identify & locate Next of Kin & DNA-eligible family members of our
Nation's unaccounted-for Heroes
How does the DPAA use DNA to indentify remains of soldiers who have been missing since WWII?
DPAA is undergoing work at the following sites
What is DNA & How It's Used to Identify Our Soldiers
Army Seeks DNA Samples from Families of MIA Soldiers
VFW Urges MIA Families to Provide DNA Samples
Your help is needed to identify remains recovered from North Korea!
How DNA Solved One of the Final Mysteries of Pearl Harbor (A Must Read!)
Recently accounted-for personnel
For Army divers, excavating underwater tombs is a solemn, honorable duty
Eighty Years After Pearl Harbor, New DNA Tech Helps Identify Victims of the Attack
DPAA Releases First Videos in New World War II Series
NEDU Saturation Dive Team Joins DPAA Recovery Mission
With Undersea Robots, An Air Force Navigator Lost Since 1967 is Found
Pearl Harbor - A Love Story Finds Its End 79 Years Later
DPAA Completes Recovery Missions in Belgium
Six Hundred More Meters! DPAA Completes First Investigative Mission in Thailand...
First Ever United States and the Republic of Korea Joint Repatriation Ceremony
If you have been contacted by us and need to ask about or offer additional information, please use the contact information we left in our message to you, or send an email message using the contact form on this site. Please reference the name of the soldier.
If you or any member of your family is concerned about the validity of our phone call, please call the phone number below to verify our identity and the reason for our call to you.
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1600 Spearhead Division Ave Dept 450
Fort Knox, KY 40122-5405